Tag Archives: Notice

Come Pray with Me!

I woke up this morning LONGING!

for rest, for calm, for peace,

for space that inspires me to breathe new life

for extended time in His presence

in worship

in quiet

in desperation

in petition

in submission

in awakening

in owning

in sacrifice

in power!

Maybe you feel that way too!

Deep Woods- a journey with God 5 12 Well, Saturday morning, July 12th,  I’m going to the WOODS- Deep Woods. It’s a spiritual retreat center in the 25 acre woods behind Crossroads Church.

I would love for you to join me!

I’m not really looking for a ‘social’ visit- but I’m looking for prayer partners to join me in prayer:

  • for the hearts of women as we prepare for the NAKED TRUTH conference in October.  We can spend our time individually or together.
  • for our marriages and the health of marriages in our world.
  • for our intimacy with our Lord and the depth of our relationship with Him.

Will you meet me there? I invite you to wear shoes you don’t mind getting dirty and bring your bug spray.  There is a mile long hiking trail that ends where it begins.  And there are cabins with comfortable seating and even beds if you need to find rest physically.

I probably won’t get there much before 9:00am.  But you are welcome to come earlier to walk the trails or use the prayer stations along the way. I’m planning on staying till noon.

If you let me know your coming ahead of time, I can be sure I’ve reserved enough cabins if we need them because of the weather. But if you forget to let me know- just come! Your presence is welcome.

God is at work!  I see it! I feel it every day!  I want to be sure I’m listening well, seeking him daily so that I can be in right partnership with him.

Join me in the DEEP WOODS- any time between 9:00am -12:00 noon -rain or shine.  Behind Crossroads Church 775 S Thayer Road, Lima, Oh 45806.

If you can’t come- but still want to join me in prayer- or if you have questions?  email kathy@greenhopecoaching.com or text/call me at 419-306-8311.

I’ll meet you at the cross!

Hey! Pay Attention!

Have you noticed lately how challenging these days are?

You know the ones. You are so very ready for Spring to get here.
You get a glimpse of it, a hint of warmth and then…

and then it snows again!
March 29, 2014 another snow day

And then it snows again!

Cold returns – not just a little
With it comes the wind
And rain – not a beautiful spring rain but the cold, ice rain yet of winter.   It is snowing hard enough that it blinds you from seeing what’s ahead.  Gray days stifle & drain the hope from your day.

These are the days we must pay attention.

See, these are days we don’t realize how unsettled we feel. We just know we don’t like it any more. We don’t notice our deep sighs and continual complaining. We don’t understand how we are compounding the ache that those around us might be feeling.

These are the days when it feels like it’s always winter,  never Easter.

Pay attention friends!

This is the time for you and for me to be intentional:
to remember God is doing a different kind of miracle.
to appreciate the work Christ did out of love -out of obedience.
To embrace the moments of grieving, of burying the dead places of our heart.
to anticipate the resurrection.

Easter is coming!
The resurrection in nature will reveal itself to us in time.

But we have the privilege of preparing for it.
And as we do, actually living out the power of the resurrection of Christ now. The resurrection of our very lives.

What can you do to embrace this moment?
What do you do to keep hope alive in you during days like this?

Share your comments below.

You never know when something you say would be an encouragement to someone who is really struggling.