New WORD for a New Year

My Word for the year is EnJoy!

I am quite excited about this word.  Over the last 10 years my words have been  Hope- Hope & More HOPE!  I had that word for several years. It’s a great word, but it was a desperate time for me.

One year the word was TRUST, another year it was BE STILL. (I know technically two words, right?) Last year my word was FINISH which was appropriate since my goal was to complete the Lovely Traces of Hope book.

These were all great words and they were significant to me at the time, but they all had a urgency to them, desperation is still the better word.  Even being still was a challenge word at the time.

But this year, the word that keeps coming to me

is EnJoy! (with the exclamation point). In all the years of choosing a WORD for the year, I’ve never had a word like that.  I love the definition to ‘take delight in” , or to savor, relish, feast one’s eyes, bask, benefit.  Ah, I love the sounds of those words.  I had to question whether this really could or should be my word.  It doesn’t seem like I am working hard enough if I EnJoy!

But this is the word that comes to me through Scripture, leaps off the page at me in bold letters, resounds through music, in conversations and my thoughts. My mentors and coaches have reminded me that I have done a lot of hard work over the past 5 years.  Now is the time to embrace the joy of EnJoy! and see what happens.

So I EnJoy! my days, my family, my friends, my coaches and mentors, my clients- all friends that have made such a difference in my life.

I EnJoy! the influence that I have built with the GHC community; not because people know me now, but because together we can celebrate a much greater influence on our world.

This is such a fun way to live.  It has been a long time coming.  I am working, harder than I have before, but I am thoroughly EnJoy!ing the work.  I still have challenging circumstances in my life, but I am finding ways to know greater joy in the middle of the pain.  It is good.

What’s your WORD for 2017?  Leave a note in the comments below. I’d love to hear.

(If you need some help identifying, ONE WORD is a great little resource for you.)

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