Have you noticed lately how challenging these days are?
You know the ones. You are so very ready for Spring to get here.
You get a glimpse of it, a hint of warmth and then…

And then it snows again!
Cold returns – not just a little
With it comes the wind
And rain – not a beautiful spring rain but the cold, ice rain yet of winter. It is snowing hard enough that it blinds you from seeing what’s ahead. Gray days stifle & drain the hope from your day.
These are the days we must pay attention.
See, these are days we don’t realize how unsettled we feel. We just know we don’t like it any more. We don’t notice our deep sighs and continual complaining. We don’t understand how we are compounding the ache that those around us might be feeling.
These are the days when it feels like it’s always winter, never Easter.
Pay attention friends!
This is the time for you and for me to be intentional:
to remember God is doing a different kind of miracle.
to appreciate the work Christ did out of love -out of obedience.
To embrace the moments of grieving, of burying the dead places of our heart.
to anticipate the resurrection.
Easter is coming!
The resurrection in nature will reveal itself to us in time.
But we have the privilege of preparing for it.
And as we do, actually living out the power of the resurrection of Christ now. The resurrection of our very lives.
What can you do to embrace this moment?
What do you do to keep hope alive in you during days like this?
Share your comments below.
You never know when something you say would be an encouragement to someone who is really struggling.