28 Years Ago Today…!

Dear Cait,

Twenty-eight years ago today, I was 28 years old. (yes, go ahead and do the math!)

You made me a mom for the 1st time.  Caitlin Renee Burrus bears the weight of names close to both your mom and dad,  Kathlyn and Rennie. I am sorry to do that to you!

You,  little girl, changed our world in ways we couldn’t imagine. Your Dad has often said he planned for how to feed you and dress you, provide a bed for you and a room of your very own in our small apartment. He planned for everything but how he would feel when you were born.  He saw your face, there was not doubt you were his.  The love he had for you was instant.

C & doll darkerCait, you have always been a reader. From a very young age young age you have had book in your hands.  All the way through your Master’s courses at Wheaton to a recent job at the public library.

summer fall 2008 003Cait you have taught me many things.

Like how to organize my closets, and books and drawers, and…!  If I asked you to clean a room, you always started IN the things in the room.  It often took a long time to get the whole room done.   But it was all in order.

You taught me how to  ‘wait for it’!  You aren’t quick to respond to some parts of our conversation.  That doesn’t mean you aren’t listening or engaged.  It just means you are thinking.  When you give your answer, it is wise and so worth hearing.

You also taught me a love for the ancient history of the land of the Bible.  Having spent time in Israel & Turkey, as well as other parts of the world, you passed on your passion for the places I’ve learned about since I was a little girl.  Your excitement for these places and the people in these countries have often been an inspiration.

That’s just 3 of the things I’ve learned from you.  I just know that the last 28 years of my life have been precious because you’ve been in them.

Happy Birthday My dear Cait!

I love you!



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