Being YOU…bravely!

I stole that title from a MOPS group I spoke at in December.  It’s their theme for the year.  More and more, I’m finding it to be mine.

Ever since I started my business as a life coach, I have been on a journey of finding confidence in my new business.  I’ve done this professionally for 4 years now, and though I’ve gained a great deal of confidence in what I can offer a client, it doesn’t take much to cause me to question myself again.  Especially this past couple of weeks as I have met 4 or 5 life coaches in our area.

Yep!  There I went again!  “O who do I think I am to be able to compete or win the comparison with those amazing coaches!”

But we don’t just begin to doubt then.

We become weak kneed anytime we lose sight of our own beauty and begin to compare our weaknesses to the strengths of another. Click To Tweet

We are in the office and a co-worker shows up looking extra confident and we kick ourselves for not wearing a different outfit that would have made us look better- at least better shoes.

Or we notices that ‘older lady’ that always tries to be look younger.  We write her off just not growing up, when secretly we wish we could wear the colors she wears, or the style she does.

Or the neighbor builds a new play area in their yard for the grand kids. We become discontent with the old swing set in our your yard that we fixed up from when our kids were little.  Your grands love it.

We walk into church and see “that woman” across the room.  She can connect with everyone and seems to get things done- things you would like to do.  You stand up straighter determined she’s not going to beat you this time.

Why do we do that?

Why do we compare ourselves to others?

Why do we become jealous of the successes of others and diminish our own because of them?

I find in my own life, it is usually because I don’t realize my own worth.  Or I have forgotten that I am me- uniquely designed by God for a purpose unlike anyone else’s.

Sure, there are other life coaches!  Yes they are amazing women and their skills are excellent.

But they won’t coach you like I will!  We may even have the same focus.  That’s ok!  We each bring something specialized to the coaching process that the other doesn’t.  They bring things we can’t.

That’s ok!  In fact, that’s great!  While we might be competing for clients, what if we partnered together?  I know there are clients that I can not break through with.  What if they can?

What if, instead of putting the pressure on ourselves to compete with the co-worker, neighbor or woman at church that intimidates us, what if we called them up and invited them for coffee.  What if out partnering made us both stronger, rather than made one a loser.

What if she...needs you? Your beauty, your gifts, your style, your insights, ...YOU! Bravely! Click To Tweet

How well do you know you?

What  do you offer your world?

How beautiful are you- REALLY! Click To Tweet

ON NOWCome join the conversation as we discuss all that is You!

UNIQUELY U: Rediscovering
Your Design and Influence. 

Thursday, February 26th at 6:30 pm
in the Conference Room at Crossroads, 775 S. Thayer Road,
Lima 45806

Cost: is $25 which includes some useful tools to help you know you!

Want to know more?  Contact

Let’s find out who we really are- and be who we were created to be in the lives of those we love- BRAVELY!

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