Category Archives: beauty

Words of Life or Death

The gift of a woman’s story is often what God uses to speak hope into the stories of others. My friend, Dr. Michelle Bengtson has told such a story.  It is my honor to share it with you today!

Feet (1)

Dr. Michelle Bengtson

We’ve all heard the childhood rhyme, “Sticks and stones may break by bones, but names will never hurt me.” I knew from a very young age that that was a lie. Even as I said them on the playground in response to a peer’s cruel taunts, I knew it wasn’t true.

Words hurt.

Scripture tells us that the tongue has the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21), but do we teach our children that? Or do we perpetuate ignorance by reciting simple rhymes?

Having worked in the field of psychology for over 20 years, it’s evident to me that children don’t realize the long-term significance of what they say.  They behave toward others in the very same way that’s been modeled to them.

As an adult who has been wounded by the words of others since early childhood, I probably err on the side of not saying enough—not wanting to draw any more attention to myself or risk further rejection.

Only three years old when I was stricken with an undiagnosable and life threatening illness, I was left to deal with the physical and emotional ramifications the rest of my life. Continue reading Words of Life or Death

Why do I do that?

Maybe I’m the only one (though I doubt it) that rubs shoulders with a mom, or leader or life coach that seems to really have it all together. Then I spend the next 48 hours comparing all the things I don’t like about myself to all the stuff that is great about her.

WHY DO I DO THAT?comparing you



I had that experience last week.  Knocked me right off my feet for a while-actually it messed up my comfort zone.  Suddenly I was discontent with everything about me- my business, my energy level, my opportunities, even my appearance.

Why? Why can I be blessed by another woman and her gifts and abilities and then struggle to find contentment with myself?”

Why does someone else's success threaten mine? Click To Tweet

Maybe it is because…. Continue reading Why do I do that?

Being YOU…bravely!

I stole that title from a MOPS group I spoke at in December.  It’s their theme for the year.  More and more, I’m finding it to be mine.

Ever since I started my business as a life coach, I have been on a journey of finding confidence in my new business.  I’ve done this professionally for 4 years now, and though I’ve gained a great deal of confidence in what I can offer a client, it doesn’t take much to cause me to question myself again.  Especially this past couple of weeks as I have met 4 or 5 life coaches in our area.

Yep!  There I went again!  “O who do I think I am to be able to compete or win the comparison with those amazing coaches!”

But we don’t just begin to doubt then.

We become weak kneed anytime we lose sight of our own beauty and begin to compare our weaknesses to the strengths of another. Click To Tweet

Continue reading Being YOU…bravely!