Category Archives: Bucket list

Finish Exquisitely

For the past couple of weeks I’ve written about my ponderings on the word EXQUISITE.  You can find those earlier posts here.

Exquisite, by definition

A Close Up Look at EXQUISITE

But today’s post is the visual example of how paying exquisite attention affects our ability to finish what we have started. 
This fall, our daughter, Brielle, ran a marathon.  Continue reading Finish Exquisitely

Let Me Tell You About Tribewriters!

When I finally got serious about writing “Lovely Traces of Hope”, I realized pretty quickly I was in way over my head.  I needed help to give structure to my material.  Tribewriters was the answer for me.

Are you a writer?  Do you sense there might be something you need to say? Then Tribewriters is for you!

Check out Tribewriter’s Conference 2017?

We just wrapped up another Tribe Conference and had a blast! Tickets for next year are now on sale at It won't be the same without you.

Posted by Jeff Goins, Writer on Monday, October 2, 2017

You might also want to check out Jeff’s blog post about the conference…

The Counterintuitive Way to Create Something that Changes Lives: 4 Lessons from Tribe Conference

This post includes links to the summary post’s of quite a few of the Tribewriter’s who attended #tribeconf 2017. It also includes mine- but you can find the link here.

Wanna come with me next year? Get your ticket to the next TribeWriter Conference now!  If they are out, because they are selling out quickly,  they will be making more available soon.

Join me!

The Value of Paying Attention

This week’s Facebook Live Video,


A Conversation about YOU: Woman!

What started with simple greetings and an order of coffee, became a conversation about YOU.  Not you personally, but you WOMAN, family member, friend, professional.

WOMAN who wants to make a difference in the world but feels enveloped by so many important things; spouse, kids, parents, job and friends.  These are surely the people we want to serve and influence for good. But sometimes there are so many ‘good’ things going on that we forget we ARE making a difference.

WOMAN who wonders if we truly know what we want to be true of our lives.  We find ourselves in a new place; an empty nest, a season of life, a change in job or relationships, and we puzzle over what we have accomplished in the past or whether we are on track to do all we want to have done at the end of our life.

Are we doing what is most important?  Or are we just reacting to the urgent that comes up in any given day. Continue reading A Conversation about YOU: Woman!

Words of Life or Death

The gift of a woman’s story is often what God uses to speak hope into the stories of others. My friend, Dr. Michelle Bengtson has told such a story.  It is my honor to share it with you today!

Feet (1)

Dr. Michelle Bengtson

We’ve all heard the childhood rhyme, “Sticks and stones may break by bones, but names will never hurt me.” I knew from a very young age that that was a lie. Even as I said them on the playground in response to a peer’s cruel taunts, I knew it wasn’t true.

Words hurt.

Scripture tells us that the tongue has the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21), but do we teach our children that? Or do we perpetuate ignorance by reciting simple rhymes?

Having worked in the field of psychology for over 20 years, it’s evident to me that children don’t realize the long-term significance of what they say.  They behave toward others in the very same way that’s been modeled to them.

As an adult who has been wounded by the words of others since early childhood, I probably err on the side of not saying enough—not wanting to draw any more attention to myself or risk further rejection.

Only three years old when I was stricken with an undiagnosable and life threatening illness, I was left to deal with the physical and emotional ramifications the rest of my life. Continue reading Words of Life or Death