I’ve noticed….

Day4I’ve NOTICED today that accomplishing my 30 day challenge of writing is ‘challenging!’

I set a goal for myself to write 500 words a day about what I’ve NOTICED in my day! No,  I couldn’t just write 500 words a day about …whatever!  I had to choose for my challenge to write what I’ve NOTICED!

Today, I’ve NOTICED:

  • That noticing is hard work!  It takes a greater degree of intentionality than I haven’t done lately.
  • That writing what you’ve noticed is also hard work, because it demands you process what you experience.
  • That encouraging others to come with you in the challenge is inspiring.  In this case, we don’t necessarily share a goal- we just share the journey to accomplish a goal.  So our rhythm, our methods, our directions are all different.  But one person’s journey speaks into mine and vice versa.

Want to join us for the
FREE 30 Day Conference Call on Tuesday – click here! 

I’ve also noticed

  • That when I work toward a goal, there are a zillion things that try to distract me.
  • That one day my mind is full of thoughts and the next day I struggle to see anything.
  • That writing a blog post is one thing- putting it out there for you to read is another.  But something happens in being vulnerable with your story– in you and in the person who needed to hear it!

But the amazing thing is that since I have subscribed to some sites designed for writing, this whole other world has opened up to me and with it a myriad of writers: authors, bloggers, journalists, and more.

Some of the writers are just getting starting, which helps me realize that I have been writing for a while.  I just haven’t been consistent at it.

Other writers are clear on their voice, and their message and their genre.  I’m beginning to get clarity!  But I’m very aware I have much to learn.

I’m learning to be serious at writing, I must write!  Daily! 

And I need to plan to write!  If I don’t have a plan, how do I know if I accomplishing what I set out to do?  One blogger said, “Action without direction is just busy!

I so get that! It’s true of all of life!  I guess that is why I challenge you to join us for the 30 Day Challenge Call!

What is the challenge you have taken for the next 30 days?
Have you made a plan?
How will you know if you have reached your goal?
What is the behavior that needs to change?
What is the attitude that is blocking your success?

Let’s talk about it together and encourage each other in the doing. Let’s do this!!!

Sign up today for TUESDAY’s  30 Day Challenge CALL- November 4th at 8pm Eastern time.

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