Well, my friends, I don’t think it is too fair of me to ask you that question and not be transparent with you about how I did.
So…here’s how my last 30 days went.
My original goal was to write 500 words every day. I did accomplish 500 words for the first 20 days. Then we left for Texas to see family and I scribbled things when I had a few minutes, but we were there to enjoy family.I actually thought that I would blog about each days noticing- but honestly, some of the things I noticed were more personal than I was ready to blog yet. I know several of you have said that I often write quite personally. That is true. But I generally don’t share it with you till I’ve done some processing myself. So…these things might show up in future posts. I’m continuing my 500 Words a day goal in December.
- If you have been following my blog, you will notice that I
started writing about BROKENNESS. That is actually some of what I have been NOTICING in these 30 days. The Series is not complete- but in process. My goal for December is to complete this series.
- My third goal was just a habit that was beginning to change 30 days ago. In many ways I felt like I have been becoming WHOLE! Read through the past blogs to hear some of the story. But a recent visit to have blood work done tells me my ‘autoimmune issues’ are affecting me again and my glucose is in the danger zone. That was most disheartening because I had been working to control my diet, especially the sugars.For a few days, I felt like I was BROKEN again. Then I realized this for the gift that it was. I had asked God to heal me. He was revealing to me what needed to be done. So…the goal for the next 30 holi-days for my health has been made very clear.
So…How about you? How’d you do in your 30 day challenge?
Did you accomplish you 30 day goals?
If so, pat yourself on the back!!!! Congratulations!
If not, what were the obstacles that kept you from it?
What is your next step?
Listen gang! We have just over 30 days left in 2015. I know the temptation is to call it ‘HOLIDAYS” and chuck the lists for a while.
But what if INSTEAD we take a few minutes to identify what needs to be done yet in 2014? What can we do that will not only give us a jump start on 2015, but will set up up for possibilities we only dreamed of in 2014?
I hope you will join us for the FINISH WELL CHALLENGE beginning today. By December 31st, what you want to have accomplished. Get more details here.
If nothing else, let’s take a look back at 2014 and answer some of these questions.
- What are your celebrations for 2014? Where did you ‘nail it’ or persevere till you completed the task? What relationship was improved? We spend little time acknowledging where we did it right! I can hear you say, “well, it really was not that big of a deal”! I encourage you to recognize if you set the goal for yourself and completed it, IT IS A BIG DEAL!
- What were your disappointments for 2014? Where did you not succeed? Where did a relationship fail? Where did you give up but wish now you had kept going? I sometimes hear people say “you can’t cry over spilled milk?” It’s true! You can’t change the past. But if we don’t take the time to say it for what it really is, and identify behaviors that may have caused it, we will not learn from our past. We are destined to repeat them again and again.
- One of my favorites from Michael Hyatt is “What was missing?” That was a question I was missing. Never thought to ask myself that. What is something that you want to be true of you that you did nothing in 2014 to make happen? For instance, you want to have a relationship with your grandparents, but you didn’t make extra effort to see them on a regular basis. Or you want to write a book, but you didn’t set schedule time to write. What’s missing?
- What lessons did you learn in 2014? These could be in any area of life: spiritual, relational, professional, physical, etc. Write down the reoccurring themes you noticed this year? Write down in one word or brief sentence the messages you learned . This step is so valuable as you look ahead to the new year.
I’ve set my goals for the next 30 days! I hope you will join me in the journey. If you need someone to help you determine what you really want to accomplish and hold you accountable to your dreams, that’s what I do! I’m a coach! Email me at kathy@greenhopecoaching.
Here’s to finishing well!