Category Archives: Wholeness

The Artist Manifesto: Will You Create?

Reposting with permission of the author, Jeff Goins.  As we close the year, do we dare to  use the voice that God has given us, to pursue the dream that was planted in us. Here’s to being the prophet or the poet – and influencing  the world!

Continue reading The Artist Manifesto: Will You Create?

Living OPEN Handed: I have a NEED

This is the second post in the Living Open Handed series.

Let’s consider what it takes to LIVE with OPEN HANDS, in a white knuckle world.
Open handedI ask you make a fist again- because generally that is what our hand looks like when we are afraid. Now, consider your knuckles as a tool to help you remember how to OPEN your hands.

But we are going to work backwards.

First, Open your little finger and recall the N stands for:

When we experience fear, we become aware that we are in need.  We don’t often admit it, but we usually NEED God to show up in a big way.  However, too often we don’t go to God first.  Instead we have to recognize that a fear appears most often because a NEED we have is being compromised.  maslov's hierarch of needs

If you consider Maslov’s Hierarchy of Needs that I studied in my classes for coaching, maybe you can identify what need is trampled in some way.

But another way to come to terms with your needs is to read the Psalms. 

How many times as you read through the Psalms do you find a Psalmist that is voicing your hearts cry.

In regard to your fears (refer to your list you made yesterday), what are the needs that are not being met? Write them down next to the fear.  Be as descriptive as you can be.  It will help with the next step in tomorrow’s post. 

Missed the first post, click here! 

Want to read the next one- here it is!

Broken…to Whole!: the ANTONYM of Broken

In my last post on Broken…Made whole 2, we considered in what ways are we broken and the many synonyms for the word.

So what did you learn?  What are the areas of life that need attention? Some things are blaring- we know what’s broken and we think it can’t be fixed.  I know, because I already confessed that I felt that in several aspects of life.  But often, we don’t notice something is broken until we intentionally stop to look at our life.

Where are we limping by?

What are we always working around because we can’t seem to work through?

SCULPTURE & ARTBut…today’s post is on the OPPOSITE of BROKEN, Continue reading Broken…to Whole!: the ANTONYM of Broken

Broken… to Whole

Just the day before I said to my client, “well, I’m broken, and I can’t be brokenfixed.  Somehow God will just have to use me broken.”

But  this day a woman I barely knew sat across the table in my leaders huddle. She spoke, hesitant of sharing such an intimate story with a group of strangers.  Her parents had both died in an accident when she was young.  Life had been hard.  But now, so many years later she heard God saying to her,  “I want to make you whole again.”

In my heart I whispered, “I’ll never be whole.  I’ll always live broken.”  Leisha’s death left me broken- heart is too ripped, too many pieces have been lost. Some Doctors say I can’t be healed.  I can’t be fixed.

But the rest of the day those words rumbled around in my brain. Continue reading Broken… to Whole