Pondering the Old Year!

The Christmas season is over!  The year is drawing to a close.  Often Happy New Yearour minds are full of ponderings.  If they’re not, they should be. What a perfect time to take a look at the past year and all we experienced.

NOTICING the past plays a huge role in making the new year more successful!

As I began this journey, I NOTICED the word I was giving my past year was disappointing.  Several significant things had happened that weren’t in my plan.  It felt like the whole year was not good because of it. Therefore I felt defeated.

But when I sat down and worked through some of these questions, I NOTICED that I had been part of a great deal of good stuff.  No, I’m not where I want to be!  But I’ve taken great strides toward the goals I have set for myself.  I’m in much better position to see some of dreams become realities in the new year.

I also NOTICED that some of the disappointments were just Life Happenings.  Those are things I can’t control.  Therefore, I can’t make them disappear.  But if the emotions and messages they left me are not reckoned with, they can control my next steps and lead me way off track.

Sometimes we need an outside source to process these thoughts.  A trusted friend or a coach! Someone that will help us pull our head up from last year and learn from it!  I have my own coaches that ask the questions I don’t think to ask myself. Then they can help me PIVOT to a new year and a new perspective.

Here are some of the questions I’ve been working through.  I hope they will help you as well.  When you need someone to help you hear what you are saying to yourself like I did, email me.  I’d love to walk with you out of the old and into the new year! My email address is kathy@greenhopecoaching.com.


Identify the high points and the hard times of the year. 

What are the disappointments of 2014?  Write them down.

Look at the areas you had some control over.  Is there a behavior or thought process that is keeping you from moving forward?

Look at the life events that surprised you.  Are there emotions that need to heal?  Is there a person you need to forgive?  Harboring ill feelings can stop you dead in your tracks.

What are the celebrations of 2014?  Write them down.  We tend to get stuck on the disappointments and not remember what was good.

Find a way to celebrate your accomplishments! What characteristics or behaviors helped you get it done?  Where did you feel strong?

Who were the heroes in your year?
Who encouraged you, mentored you, coached you to the next place?
Take this opportunity to tell them how much you appreciated them in your life.

Well, that should get you started.  Tomorrow I’ll have some things to help you plan for a great 2015.

Dwight Eisenhauer said the plan is nothing, but planning is everything! 

Let’s get to it!

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