You look over at this person next to you!
You still see his handsome features, the ones that attracted you to him when you first met. You see the lines that are forming on his face, just as they are on yours. You know that look when one eye brow seems to clamp tighter around his eye, while the other one remains the same- as if one part of him was uptight and the other part relaxed.
You look at her, years of motherhood and caring for a family and her world have changed her. But peering from behind all that are the eyes of the beautiful, young girl that won your heart so long ago. She still reaches up and plays with that small tuft of hair right by her ear as she is deep in thought or developing some creative vision.
You love him! You love her! Really love from a place so deep you never knew it existed.
But today….Argh!
Today he makes you so made! Today she doesn’t get it!
“Today I don’t like you very much!”
Why can’t you see me?
Why don’t you hear me?
I just want to be close!
Why do you only think about sex?
Why does it feel like we are on completely different planets, let alone in the same library, or in the same book, or on the same page of that book?
How can we be sure of our love and yet so unable to like each other today?
So…does that scenario sound familiar? Most likely some form of it has happened in your home- in your marriage- even recently. No matter how long you are married, how well you think you know the other person, inevitably, our preferences come to blows with the also God-given personalities of the spouse.
But what would happen if you both intentionally took some time to ‘rethink’ what God’s design for your marriage and for the intimacy in that marriage really is?
Here at GHC, we think it makes a big difference! How do we know? Because my business consists of me- and my husband. Two strong personalities at best. But when we lose sight of what we want to be true of us and of our marriage, we can be really good at hurting each other too.
We have personally grown through some material designed to help us understand God’s design for our intimacy, and his intent when making husbands and wives so very different from one another.
Because it has had such a powerful influence in our lives, we would like to offer to you an opportunity to experience this training also. We will be hosting a men’s and a women’s group. We recommend highly for both partners to get involved.
Both groups start Saturday, January 17th.
Rennie leads a group for men called VALIANT MAN on Saturday mornings at 7:30am.
Kathy leads the women’s groups called PASSION PURSUIT on Saturday mornings at 9:00am.
Registration is open now. Click here for details and registration.
We know you love each other! What if you could both be better at showing- and receiving that love from each other? It’s possible!
We are living proof!