
Live Out Your Value in 2017

I’m talking a lot about VALUE these days.  Mostly that is because a woman in my life dared to ask me these questions.

Do you know your value?

Do you offer value to the people in your world?

Listen in as I share with you some of my insights this summer as I processed the answers to these questions.  I invite you to answer these questions for yourself.

New S.N.A.P It 5 Day Challenge begins 9/11/17

Find out more about the Five Day S.N.A.P it Challenge!  Register today to get set up for our first S.N.A.P it video on Facebook Live, Monday at 9:00am.

Believe Your Dream to Real

Have you ever had a dream of doing something significant?

Have you ever made a plan for doing that significant something, but it just lays on the pages of your notebook or in the files on your computer? 

Me too! I’ve had a lot of ideas that have never come to fruition.  I’ve had notebooks filled with plans and dreams that are still great ideas, but I haven’t yet followed through on them.

But not this time!

Continue reading Believe Your Dream to Real

The Value of Paying Attention

This week’s Facebook Live Video,