Don’t laugh! I recently had someone ask how I got from the kid who wouldn’t dance to a life coach that is using the CELEBRATE THE DANCE as one of her signature events.
don’t dance, I’m a preachers kid! That’s what I used to say as a young girl that got invited to parties. I don’t dance! My dad’s profession took the brunt of it regarding things I felt I shouldn’t do.
My dad’s a preacher, I don’t drink. My dad’s a preacher, I don’t go to movies.
My dad’s a preacher… i only play Rook!
The only thing all of that had to do with my dad was that I was living out his standards for life. But I really had not made them my own.
Honestly, I didn’t drink because I didn’t have a taste for it at all. Still don’t! And I didn’t like what it did to my friends that had too much.
I did understand the importance of what movies I viewed- the whole ‘garbage in, garbage out’ philosophy made good sense to me. That still applies. But I do love a good story.
The card thing- well, I never really got that- unless that it was involved with gambling of some sort. But that’s never been part of my game.
But dancing—that has been a lifelong processing for me. Now I did get that as a young teen, dancing was a way for physical touch that might ‘lead to things’ as they often did when a fire was ignited before it’s time. And there was often uncontrolled drinking associated with dancing! So…I got that too!
The interesting thing to me is that I always felt like ‘dancing!’ It was part of so much of what I did! Even as a kid! I used my hands when I talked- a lot! In some ways, that is like dance. Movement to express yourself. I heard music and my body felt the rhythm- not inappropriately- but wholy! To the very core of my being! and HOLY in worship!
I read the Bible and it talked about dancing- before the Lord! Lifting my hands to him! Praising him with my whole being!
What’s more- when I got married, my husband liked to dance! He honored my ‘I don’t dance!” even though he didn’t understand all my reasons.
But in recent years, I sensed a growing desire in me to dance! In my marriage, in worship, in my yard, as I clean, etc…my whole being praising the Lord, delighting in the closeness of my husband, celebrating life!
Eric Little, whose story is told in Chariots of Fire, once said, “When I run, I feel His pleasure!”
That how I feel! When I dance- be it still quite moderately and unskilled- I feel God’s pleasure! I feel my husband’s love! I feel joy! For a preacher’s kid who was more aware of the ‘judgement’ of God than His pleasure- this is a big step for me!
Why do we dance at CELEBRATE THE DANCE? Because it is an active way to be close, to experience the presence of our mate, and to feel HIS pleasure!
Why don’t you dance? or are you? What’s the quality of your dance? I can usually tell how our marriage is doing by how we ‘dance’ in it!
I challenge you to CELEBRATE YOUR DANCE with us – Sunday, June 8th at 3:00pm. We’ll have a one hour dance lesson and then talk about what you learned about your marriage out on the dance floor! You will be surprised what you learn!
We have a few more spaces open yet for Sunday! Let me, Kathy, know today that you would like to come. Call or text me at 419-306-8311. Or email me at
Need more information, feel free to call or click here to see the invitation.
I honestly love saying to people, “See you at the dance!”