Category Archives: LIFE

Listening for Like Voices!

A few days ago, a business woman asked me if I thought I was doing the right thing by focusing so much of my coaching business/ministry these days on someone else’s ministry.  She was referring to all the  Facebook sharing and blog posts I have written that have to do with Authentic Intimacy.  Her concern was that I was building their business and not my own.

At the time, I told her that this was something I have wanted to be part of for a long time and it was worth it for me.  But as I’ve thought about it- it is much more than that.Becoming the woman, wife & mother you long to be

You see, 35 years ago, I was given a book called Creative Counterpart written by Linda Dillow.  It was a book I went back to time and again early in my marriage and have reviewed often since.

Through the years I’ve had several opportunities to not only hear her speak – but spend time with Linda.  I’ve listened as she lived out in her spoken words what she had written in several books by now, including ‘Calm My Anxious Heart” or Intimate Issues, Intimacy Ignited or more recently What’s it Like to Be Married to Me, and Passion Pursuit. (See titles below)

Ministry in Ukraine
Kathy with Linda Dillow 2002 – Ukraine Retreat

In 2002, I was invited to lead a worship team for a women’s ministry retreat in Kiev, Ukraine.  I was thrilled when I learned the speaker was none other than Linda Dillow.

Her topic was worship- it was the beginning of her book called “Satisfy My Thirsty Soul”.  I was the so-called worship leader- but she was the one who led me in into the Presence of the Blessed Controller.

Just the two of us kneeling at her couch.
Just the two of us sitting on her big rock near her home in the foothills of Colorado.
Then with my team in Ukraine! 

Precious, intimate moments with our God!

For me, this opportunity to bring Linda Dillow and Juli Slattery to the Lima area for the NAKED TRUTH conference is an answer to a 20 year long prayer.  I told Linda then that someday, I would build a platform for her to speak her voice, God’s message to the people in my world.

It’s not just her books,
or the times she has emailed me
or the times she has cried with me,
prayed with me
worshiped with me
always showing up in my life just when I needed her message.

But that is just the point- for 35 years, she has shown up in my life  through her books,
her speaking,
her friendship
with a consistent message.
A message that pointed me time and time again to see the Lord; lifting my chin to see His face.

That’s a message I want to be part of!
It’s an act I want to be known for!
It’s a voice I want to not only have- but build a platform for when I hear others speaking that same message.

This isn’t about my ‘business’ – or even Linda’s ministry.

It’s about what God is saying and doing in the heart of women all over the world.

Those are the voices I love listening for!

How about you?

I challenge you to listen and heed the message that Linda & Juli have to give all of us in October. Click here to find out more!

In the mean time- you can find all of her books here! (and no- I’m not making money on these referrals) I believe in them that much!

Linda Dillow

Linda Dillow Linda Dillow & Lorrain PintusLinda Dillow Linda & Jody Dillow, Lorraine & Petter PintusLinda DillowLinda Dillow & Juli Slattery

God talk from the Woods!

Several days ago I wrote that I woke with a LONGING to be in God’s presence  to bring to Him all the dreams and desires building in my heart for women to hear THE NAKED TRUTH about God’s great love and passion for them.

If you remember, I invited you to join me in the WOODS for prayer.

Even though many weren’t able to join me in the WOODS- several let me know they were praying- from Texas to Colorado- to Pennsylvania and lot’s of places nearer.  Women lifting this conference – and all the women who will take part to the Lord.

But I got to share my prayer time with Janet; passionate prayerKathy & Janet prayer warriors warrior, encouraging friend and champion of all things DEEP WOODS.  We’ve spent other times together in this sacred space, but today we shared our hearts as we  acknowledged our Great God and voiced our petitions for each other,
for you,
for the conference,
for Linda & Juli,
for marriages
for our marriages
for intimacy
for our churches
for their leaders
for our husbands & precious families.

Then we walked the path and spoke of God things that are happening- in the WOODS and in our lives.  We took the footpath to the back of the woods and as we turned the corner I was amazed at this sight.  The image immediately spoke volumes to me.

I am like that tree- erosion has exposed my roots many times already, but I continue to stand- only as I continue to dig my roots into the soul and drink from the water that gives life.

rooted and built up For I am like a tree whose roots reach the water, whose branches are refreshed with the dew. Job 29:19

They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. Psalm 1:3
Let the fields and their crops burst out with joy! Let the trees of the forest sing for joy. Psalm 96:12

Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.    Colossians 2:7

This was a good day!
We’ll be doing it again!  I have to check the dates with the church calendar.  But keep your eyes open for the next one.  You may just want to spend some quiet time at the woods yourself.
I’ll even show you where my tree is!

Come Pray with Me!

I woke up this morning LONGING!

for rest, for calm, for peace,

for space that inspires me to breathe new life

for extended time in His presence

in worship

in quiet

in desperation

in petition

in submission

in awakening

in owning

in sacrifice

in power!

Maybe you feel that way too!

Deep Woods- a journey with God 5 12 Well, Saturday morning, July 12th,  I’m going to the WOODS- Deep Woods. It’s a spiritual retreat center in the 25 acre woods behind Crossroads Church.

I would love for you to join me!

I’m not really looking for a ‘social’ visit- but I’m looking for prayer partners to join me in prayer:

  • for the hearts of women as we prepare for the NAKED TRUTH conference in October.  We can spend our time individually or together.
  • for our marriages and the health of marriages in our world.
  • for our intimacy with our Lord and the depth of our relationship with Him.

Will you meet me there? I invite you to wear shoes you don’t mind getting dirty and bring your bug spray.  There is a mile long hiking trail that ends where it begins.  And there are cabins with comfortable seating and even beds if you need to find rest physically.

I probably won’t get there much before 9:00am.  But you are welcome to come earlier to walk the trails or use the prayer stations along the way. I’m planning on staying till noon.

If you let me know your coming ahead of time, I can be sure I’ve reserved enough cabins if we need them because of the weather. But if you forget to let me know- just come! Your presence is welcome.

God is at work!  I see it! I feel it every day!  I want to be sure I’m listening well, seeking him daily so that I can be in right partnership with him.

Join me in the DEEP WOODS- any time between 9:00am -12:00 noon -rain or shine.  Behind Crossroads Church 775 S Thayer Road, Lima, Oh 45806.

If you can’t come- but still want to join me in prayer- or if you have questions?  email or text/call me at 419-306-8311.

I’ll meet you at the cross!

Progress- Not Perfection

I love them! Those AHA moments!  Today I woke to an AHA!

Last fall, as I was regrouping after the weddings of our two beautiful girls, and as I was helping to prepare for the wedding of my dear friend,  I did some goal setting for 2014.  (I’m not good at new years resolutions so this works better.)

I usually start by writing down a long list of things I might like to do- then I sort those into NOW list and a BUCKET list.
Then I prioritize the NOW list and then choose the 3 priorities that I believe will have the greatest influence.

For 2014, my top 3 were:

  • My marriage- thriving in being two again
  • My business- completing the Business Plan Competition in March and bringing Linda Dillow & Dr Juli Slattery, of Authentic Intimacy to Northwest Ohio and the surrounding areas.
  • My health- finding strength and wellness to increase stamina and enjoyment in life.

This morning, Coach, Author, Speaker and my virtual friend (we’ve never met face to face) Carrie Wilkerson, challenged me to consider whether I was making progress toward my goals- or waiting for perfection.

Often I have- and do – wait until I have all the pieces in the right place, know exactly how I will present it or what needs to happen for it to make the biggest impact.  In other words, my project sits on my to do list until I get tired of seeing it and either do something or just eliminate it.

progressBut as I listened to Carrie this morning AHA!  I AM MAKING PROGRESS!

Ren and I aren’t where we want to be – but we are having a great time getting there!  It’s thrilling to begin dreaming dreams together again and finding new ways to love each other.  I wouldn’t trade this time for anything.

I’ve completed the Business Plan- got 2nd in the competition.  What’s more- it’s a business plan I refer back to often.  It’s working for Kathy Burrus, Green Hope Coaching.

I’m especially excited that Linda & Juli and their team will be in Lima on October 3 & 4!   The Lima team is growing,- connecting
women to the message God is giving through Authentic Intimacy!  Twenty years ago I put this on my DREAM list- to bring Linda Dillow to my world.  Now is the time!  Now there is progress!

As for my health, thanks to the research and persistent efforts of a faithful friend and chiropractor, Dr John Needler, I’m finding renewed strength.  I’m up much more than I am down- and I’m doing things I haven’t done in a long time.  Will I ever be ‘healed’ completely?  That remains to be seen.  But I feel LIFE in a way I only DREAMED about for the last 12 years.

PROGRESS- forward or onward movement toward a destination!

It’s not perfect!  Sometimes it’s even messy!  But I’m on my way!

How about you?

Did you set New Year’s Resolutions?  Have they gone by the way as so many do? Do you realize that if you start NOW- you may be able to make some significant PROGRESS or even complete them by New Years 2014!

What are you waiting for?  Let’s make PROGRESS together!

I don’t dance, I’m a preacher’s kid!

Don’t laugh!  I recently had someone ask how I got from the kid who wouldn’t dance to a life coach that is using the CELEBRATE THE DANCE as one of her signature events.

Untitled design (2)don’t dance, I’m a preachers kid! That’s what I used to say as a young girl that got invited to parties.  I don’t dance!   My dad’s profession took the brunt of it regarding things I felt I shouldn’t do.

My dad’s a preacher, I don’t drink. My dad’s a preacher,  I don’t go to movies.

My dad’s a preacher… i only play Rook!

The only thing all of that had to do with my dad was that I was living out his standards for life.  But I really had not made them my own.

Honestly, I didn’t drink because I didn’t have a taste for it at all.  Still don’t! And I didn’t like what it did to my friends that had too much.

I did understand the importance of what movies I viewed- the whole ‘garbage in, garbage out’ philosophy made good sense to me.  That still applies. But I do love a good story.

The card thing- well, I never really got that- unless that it was involved with gambling of some sort.  But that’s never  been part of my game.

But dancing—that has been a lifelong processing for me.  Now I did get that as a young teen, dancing was a way for physical touch that might ‘lead to things’ as they often did when a fire was ignited before it’s time.  And there was often uncontrolled drinking associated with dancing!  So…I got that too!

The interesting thing to me is that I always felt like ‘dancing!’ It was part of so much of what I did! Even as a kid! I used my hands when I talked- a lot!  In some ways, that is like dance. Movement to express yourself. I heard music and my body felt the rhythm- not inappropriately- but wholy! To the very core of my being! and HOLY in worship!

I read the Bible and it talked about dancing- before the Lord!  Lifting my hands to him!  Praising him with my whole being!

What’s more- when I got married, my husband liked to dance! He honored my ‘I don’t dance!” even though he didn’t understand all my reasons.

Untitled design (3)But in recent years, I sensed a growing desire in me to dance! In my marriage, in worship, in my yard, as I clean, etc…my whole being praising the Lord, delighting in the closeness of my husband, celebrating life!

Eric Little, whose story is told in Chariots of Fire, once said, “When I run, I feel His pleasure!”

That how I feel!  When I dance- be it still quite moderately and unskilled- I feel God’s pleasure!  I feel my husband’s love!  I feel joy!  For a preacher’s kid who was more aware of the ‘judgement’ of God than His pleasure- this is a big step for me!

Why do we dance at CELEBRATE THE DANCE? Because it is an active way to be close, to experience the presence of our mate,  and to feel HIS pleasure!

Why don’t you dance?  or are you?  What’s the quality of your dance?  I can usually tell how our marriage is doing by how we ‘dance’ in it!

I challenge you to CELEBRATE YOUR DANCE with us – Sunday, June 8th at 3:00pm.  We’ll have a one hour dance lesson and then talk about what you learned about your marriage out on the dance floor! You will be surprised what you learn!

We have a few more spaces open yet for Sunday!  Let me, Kathy, know today that you would like to come.  Call or text me at 419-306-8311. Or email me at

Need more information, feel free to call or click here to see the invitation.

I honestly  love saying to people, “See you at the dance!”

Dancing for the long haul!

R&K2  June 9 79

Thirty-five years ago, Ren and I started this dance.  We dated 5 years before that, but on June 9, 1979 we said “I do” to things we only thought we understood. We’ve spent everyday since then figuring out the steps.

We danced our way through Bible College & Seminary, trying to find a rhythm between jobs, classes, music recitals, and the studying that had to happen in between.

We excitedly danced through the birth of our first daughter Caitlin and a move to Pennsylvania where Ren had his first job as a pastor.

Then with joy we upped the tempo of the dance as Brielle & Leisha were born and then we made a move to Ohio.  The sign at the Ohio state line as we drove in said “The Heart of It All”.  In many ways it has been!

Over the years since then, Ren & I have learned:
the slow dance, square dance, line dance,
the jig, the bunny hop, the boogie woogie, the cha cha, the chicken
and even some break dancing.

Oh, you wouldn’t know it to see us on the dance floor, because they were not the actually dance moves.  Just ways we learned to deal with life and live together. Not bad for a preacher’s daughter that ‘didn’t dance’.

Rennie & Kathy dancingLast year, we danced again, this time at the wedding of both of our daughters.  What an amazing time to see them begin their own dances with terrific dance partners.  As we pondered the places and emotions of our dance, we imagined so much of what is ahead for them- the good, the really good, the not-so-much! Even the dances that might try to ‘break’ them.

There were times when one or the other of us wondered if our marriage could survive. Even if you have committed to stay married, sometimes the thought crosses your mind that it would be easier to not be married.  But I’m grateful to say when that happened, the other partner was willing to do what needed to be done to fight for it.

But what would have happened if we had not prepared ourselves for the tough times; if we had not built our vision for our relationship so we knew how we wanted to respond when we felt like throwing in the towel.

We’re going to see what we can learn on the dance floor at CELEBRATE THE DANCE, next Sunday, June 8th
at 3:00pm at Tanya’s School of Dance, Lima.

Some of what we are going to talk about is:

Why did you get married?

Why do you stay married?

What does a vision for your marriage look like?

How do you even do that with all the variable life throws at you?

What does looking ahead do for us if we are struggling in our dance?

These are some of the questions we will be discussing at CELEBRATE THE DANCE! Join us won’t you?  (Click here for more details.)

We’re celebrating 35 years!  We would love for you to join us. Bring your sweetheart and invest in the relationship of a lifetime!

Your great marriage starts with you!

Kathy & Rennie

Too many hats to juggle…!!!

So is that true of you?

juggling hatsYou have too many hats to wear- you feel like you are always wearing the wrong hat for that important occasion?

You have too many balls juggling in the air at the same time- you look away for a second and one drops, then another.  You feel like once again you let someone down.  You dropped the ball.

You wonder if you are really making a difference in the lives of the people that really matter to you- even though it feels like you are always sacrificing what you want to do for their needs.  It just feels like blowing dandelions into the wind and ‘hoping‘ for the best.


I’ve heard those statements a lot lately- and it’s almost summer time! That means that whatever our schedule was- it will most likely change in the summer.  Either the kids are home from school- or we are doing more stuff outside- or …it just feels like we should be taking it ‘easier’ somehow.

What if we took a few minutes to consider WHAT was most important to us?

What if we identified WHO we wanted to influence the most and what kind of memories we wanted to make with them?

What if we went through our closet of hats and donated a few to a worthy cause.  As we do we eliminate the busyness and attend to the business of being who we really want to be!

Join me for a GREEN HOPE INTENSIVE: Juggling the hats
Tuesday, May 20th from 9:30am to 12:30pm

This will be held at my home-
6442 Putnam Road R, Columbus Grove, OH 45830

Click the button to register!

Space is limited so register early.

Here’s to you!  And the hats you CHOOSE to wear!

Celebrating Heritage!

How long has it been since you considered the richness of your heritage? Her-it-age : Noun

  1. Property that is or may be inherited, an inheritance.
  1. Something transmitted or acquired from a predecessor: Legacy, inheritance, tradition
  1. Something possessed as a result of one’s natural situation or birth: birthright

This past week, I gathered with my parents and Mom’s family in celebration of birthdays, Mine, and my aunt I share the 20th of April with, as well as my daughter’s, my dad’s, my sister’s, Another aunts, and 3 of my cousins. (April is a big month for us!)

If truth be told, this is actually a gathering that my mom and her siblings and their spouses started 12 years ago. Gradually, nieces and nephews have joined them- this year being the largest gathering of the extended Thiessen family in several years even though we weren’t all there.

As I watched the interaction of the generations, I pondered the beauty that had become ordinary to me.

There was the sharing of memories and pictures of the love story of the couple who started this family- my grandparents who left this legacy.  And there were pictures of the generation before them that we sorted through waiting for the ‘siblings’ to decipher who it was a picture of so we could write names on the back.  It was sad to me that I can’t tell you the names of my great grandparents.  I could look it up, but even though they are part of my story- they are not part of my life.

The original ‘siblings’ of two sisters and a brother  were still grieving the elder sister who died 5 years ago, her husband shortly after.  Even as adults, my 3 cousins suddenly felt as ‘orphans’ and in many ways isolated. They  were the first of my generation to reach out to their mom’s siblings and asked to crash this special gathering. We were remembering with cousins the few but cherished times growing up playing games and celebrating family times of long ago.

One cousin drove 8 hours one way to get to spend only 24 hours with the family.  We stayed up into the wee hours of the morning to catch up on all the stories of life- feeling the effects of weariness but not being able to stop the dialog.

We laughed as the uncle’s  were incredibly ornery as we spent hours scheming, screaming, and cajoling in a long term game of Texican Train dominos.

I sat in awe as I watched faces change from great joy to deep concern. From contrite honesty to silly grins.
From gut wrenching laughter to free flowing tears.

We shared wonderful conversations over breakfast and dinner. Out bursts of laughter Quiet shared moments with tears Conversations that lasted long into the night. Devotions shared each morning – first morning led by my mom, the next day by my uncle, then by my mom’s younger sister.

We heard stories of God’s work in their lives, Scriptures that have spoken through the years Songs that have touch the heart And had the opportunity to blend our voices together as we sang some of them.

I listened as the older generation asked us to pray that they ‘age well.” More specifically that they “end well”. Hearts sharing our concerns and a commitment to pray for each other through the year.

As I watched and listened, I thanked the Lord for the heritage I had been given by being born into this family. It is a legacy of faithfulness, of hard work, of gratitude,  of family.   I may not be remembered by my grand-children’s children but just as my great grand-parents began a legacy that I felt strongly this week, I choose to leave a legacy of HOPE for those special people to come behind me!

What legacy are you leaving for those following your footsteps?  Now is the time to intentionally design hope for the heritage you want to leave. We can work on that together!

Jeanette passing on U George's painting A Arlene playing train the orignal sibs the whole gang2 studying the old pics Dad playing Mex Train

Scriptures on LIFE!

Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.


Philippians 1:21-22

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.22But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose.…  

Deuteronomy 4:40

If you obey all the decrees and commands I am giving you today, all will be well with you and your children. I am giving you these instructions so you will enjoy a long life in the land the Lord your God is giving you for all time.”

Deuteronomy 5:16 “Honor your father and mother, as the Lord your God commanded you. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

Deuteronomy 6:2 and you and your children and grandchildren must fear the Lord your God as long as you live. If you obey all his decrees and commands, you will enjoy a long life.

Deuteronomy 11:9 If you obey, you will enjoy a long life in the land the Lord swore to give to your ancestors and to you, their descendants—a land flowing with milk and honey!   Deuteronomy 30:19 “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! Deuteronomy 30:20 You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him. This is the key to your life.   Psalm 16:11 You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever. Psalm 32:8 The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.   Psalm 39:4 “Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered— how fleeting my life is.   Psalm 42:8 But each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me, and through each night I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me life. Psalm 49:15 But as for me, God will redeem my life. He will snatch me from the power of the grave.   Psalm 49:18 In this life they consider themselves fortunate and are applauded for their success. Psalm 56:13 For you have rescued me from death; you have kept my feet from slipping. So now I can walk in your presence, O God, in your lifegiving light. Psalm 63:3 Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I praise you!   Psalm 71:7 My life is an example to many, because you have been my strength and protection. Psalm 71:20 You have allowed me to suffer much hardship, but you will restore me to life again and lift me up from the depths of the earth. Psalm 73:12 Look at these wicked people— enjoying a life of ease while their riches multiply. Psalm 84:10 A single day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else! I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God than live the good life in the homes of the wicked.   Psalm 90:12 Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom. (so teach us to number our days) Psalm 91:16 I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.” Psalm 101:2 I will be careful to live a blameless lifewhen will you come to help me? I will lead a life of integrity in my own home. Psalm 102:11 My life passes as swiftly as the evening shadows. I am withering away like grass. Psalm 119:40 I long to obey your commandments! Renew my life with your goodness. Psalm 119:56 This is how I spend my life: obeying your commandments. Psalm 119:59 I pondered the direction of my life, and I turned to follow your laws. Psalm 119:88 In your unfailing love, spare my life; then I can continue to obey your laws. Psalm 119:93 I will never forget your commandments, for by them you give me life. Do your own word study on LIFE!  Go to

Experience LIFE- the sermon

I’ve been doing a lot of pondering about what it means to EXPERIENCE LIFE!

Kathy w Pastor Randy Pastor Randy has been doing some thinking about this too!  I have worked with this man for 4 years.  He’s really my first pastor that wasn’t my father or my husband. I respect him a lot for a lot of reasons. Here’s what my pastor had to say about LIFE!

Now…if you a sermon critic (you know who you are!) You spend more time saying things like…

  • He didn’t say _________
  • He should have done_____________
  • He didn’t read enough scripture.
  • He read too much scripture
  • He talks too much with his hands
  • He doesn’t talk enough with his hands.

Ok- you get the idea!   Just DON’T do it!

Instead ask yourself this question… What is God saying to you through this?  not your husband or wife- or even your kids. What is God saying to you?

  • In order for me to be resurrected in this dead area of my life, what needs to die?
  • What repetitive patterns are making me dead in life? What do I need to let go of?

View video here!472670568_150x84






It’s your choice- are you living dead in life?  or LIFE in life?

I would love to hear your thoughts!