Category Archives: Green Hope Coaching
30 Day Challenge Update
For those of you who joined us on the 30 day challenge last week, how are you doing? We would love to hear your comments, insights, celebrations and struggles in the comment box below.
Accountability is a great way to hold you to your commitment. If not here, who is your accountability partner?
One of the discussions on the Challenge call on Tuesday evening was to consider your life as a highway- 8 lane highway. Continue reading 30 Day Challenge Update
Discovering my own shade of GREEN!
I try not to publish posts that contain all my random thoughts- but I’m processing what they have taught me. Thought they might stir something in you too!
Recently I’ve been doing some observing about my style, energy, walk, closet, makeup, etc. with a program called Dressing Your Truth by Carol Tuttle. I haven’t done the full video program but their free class is very informative. I was intrigued by their interesting tagline: How to be Beautiful Everyday!
Do you feel beautiful everyday?
I would love to tell you I do. That everyday I wake up confident and smiling and eager to get dressed for the day. But some days…well, they don’t seem worth the makeup! Continue reading Discovering my own shade of GREEN!
FAQ: I’m too OLD! NAKED TRUTH isn’t for me, right?

Really? That’s the reason you are giving?
You are too old?
Now if you said,
“It’s too hard!
I don’t want to try!” or “I’ve given up!”
– I would understand those answers. I have been there and done that. There are times when that is the most honest answer we can give. I would be sad for you and try to encourage you!
But no matter what your age, as long as you have breath, God wants to have an intimate relationship with you, and He wants for you Continue reading FAQ: I’m too OLD! NAKED TRUTH isn’t for me, right?
You Are invited…to Pray DEEP!
We are headed back to the DEEP WOODS to pray! We want you- and your spouse, or your friends, or even family to join us.
FRIDAY EVENING, August 1st: anytime after 5:30pm- you can stop by the DEEP WOODS for a few minutes or for the whole evening.
The DEEP WOODS is located behind Crossroads Church, 775 S. Thayer Road, Lima, OH 45806. Click here for directions.
We’re going to meet to pray- as individuals, as couples, as a group. There is no agenda- just a challenge to PRAY!
- We may talk some
- Walk some
- sleep some
- laugh some
- eat some (we will have some light refreshments- feel free to bring one to share)
But through it all we will pray!
- For the NAKED TRUTH Women’s Conference, Oct 3 & 4.
- For the women- from speakers to attendees who will be part of the conference
- For tickets sales which begin August 1st.
- For the lives that will be impacted
- For the healing that will result
- For the marriages that will be made whole.
- For confession, forgiveness, and peace.
- For awareness of the consequences of seeking counterfeit intimacy.
- For HOPE! GREEN HOPE of course! Hope that grows out of faith and flows into Love.
Bring your own requests- to share- or to speak privately.
If you don’t live close- but feel God stirring your heart to pray for these things as well- Please join us in prayer! Last time we went to the woods, women from Texas to Minnesota, from Pennsylvania to Colorado were praying with us! We would love to hear from you!
Come to the WOODS! God will meet you in this sacred space!
See you Friday!
Listening for Like Voices!
A few days ago, a business woman asked me if I thought I was doing the right thing by focusing so much of my coaching business/ministry these days on someone else’s ministry. She was referring to all the Facebook sharing and blog posts I have written that have to do with Authentic Intimacy. Her concern was that I was building their business and not my own.
At the time, I told her that this was something I have wanted to be part of for a long time and it was worth it for me. But as I’ve thought about it- it is much more than that.
You see, 35 years ago, I was given a book called Creative Counterpart written by Linda Dillow. It was a book I went back to time and again early in my marriage and have reviewed often since.
Through the years I’ve had several opportunities to not only hear her speak – but spend time with Linda. I’ve listened as she lived out in her spoken words what she had written in several books by now, including ‘Calm My Anxious Heart” or Intimate Issues, Intimacy Ignited or more recently What’s it Like to Be Married to Me, and Passion Pursuit. (See titles below)

In 2002, I was invited to lead a worship team for a women’s ministry retreat in Kiev, Ukraine. I was thrilled when I learned the speaker was none other than Linda Dillow.
Her topic was worship- it was the beginning of her book called “Satisfy My Thirsty Soul”. I was the so-called worship leader- but she was the one who led me in into the Presence of the Blessed Controller.
Just the two of us kneeling at her couch.
Just the two of us sitting on her big rock near her home in the foothills of Colorado.
Then with my team in Ukraine!
Precious, intimate moments with our God!
For me, this opportunity to bring Linda Dillow and Juli Slattery to the Lima area for the NAKED TRUTH conference is an answer to a 20 year long prayer. I told Linda then that someday, I would build a platform for her to speak her voice, God’s message to the people in my world.
It’s not just her books,
or the times she has emailed me
or the times she has cried with me,
prayed with me
worshiped with me
always showing up in my life just when I needed her message.
But that is just the point- for 35 years, she has shown up in my life through her books,
her speaking,
her friendship
with a consistent message.
A message that pointed me time and time again to see the Lord; lifting my chin to see His face.
That’s a message I want to be part of!
It’s an act I want to be known for!
It’s a voice I want to not only have- but build a platform for when I hear others speaking that same message.
This isn’t about my ‘business’ – or even Linda’s ministry.
It’s about what God is saying and doing in the heart of women all over the world.
Those are the voices I love listening for!
How about you?
I challenge you to listen and heed the message that Linda & Juli have to give all of us in October. Click here to find out more!
In the mean time- you can find all of her books here! (and no- I’m not making money on these referrals) I believe in them that much!
God talk from the Woods!
Several days ago I wrote that I woke with a LONGING to be in God’s presence to bring to Him all the dreams and desires building in my heart for women to hear THE NAKED TRUTH about God’s great love and passion for them.
If you remember, I invited you to join me in the WOODS for prayer.
Even though many weren’t able to join me in the WOODS- several let me know they were praying- from Texas to Colorado- to Pennsylvania and lot’s of places nearer. Women lifting this conference – and all the women who will take part to the Lord.
But I got to share my prayer time with Janet; passionate prayer warrior, encouraging friend and champion of all things DEEP WOODS. We’ve spent other times together in this sacred space, but today we shared our hearts as we acknowledged our Great God and voiced our petitions for each other,
for you,
for the conference,
for Linda & Juli,
for marriages
for our marriages
for intimacy
for our churches
for their leaders
for our husbands & precious families.
Then we walked the path and spoke of God things that are happening- in the WOODS and in our lives. We took the footpath to the back of the woods and as we turned the corner I was amazed at this sight. The image immediately spoke volumes to me.
I am like that tree- erosion has exposed my roots many times already, but I continue to stand- only as I continue to dig my roots into the soul and drink from the water that gives life.
For I am like a tree whose roots reach the water, whose branches are refreshed with the dew. Job 29:19
Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. Colossians 2:7
Too many hats to juggle…!!!
So is that true of you?
You have too many hats to wear- you feel like you are always wearing the wrong hat for that important occasion?
You have too many balls juggling in the air at the same time- you look away for a second and one drops, then another. You feel like once again you let someone down. You dropped the ball.
You wonder if you are really making a difference in the lives of the people that really matter to you- even though it feels like you are always sacrificing what you want to do for their needs. It just feels like blowing dandelions into the wind and ‘hoping‘ for the best.
I’ve heard those statements a lot lately- and it’s almost summer time! That means that whatever our schedule was- it will most likely change in the summer. Either the kids are home from school- or we are doing more stuff outside- or …it just feels like we should be taking it ‘easier’ somehow.
What if we took a few minutes to consider WHAT was most important to us?
What if we identified WHO we wanted to influence the most and what kind of memories we wanted to make with them?
What if we went through our closet of hats and donated a few to a worthy cause. As we do we eliminate the busyness and attend to the business of being who we really want to be!
Join me for a GREEN HOPE INTENSIVE: Juggling the hats
Tuesday, May 20th from 9:30am to 12:30pm
This will be held at my home-
6442 Putnam Road R, Columbus Grove, OH 45830
Click the button to register!
Space is limited so register early.
Here’s to you! And the hats you CHOOSE to wear!
I want to know you!
Dear Reader of this blog,
I have been writing to you for a while now, picturing in my mind what you look like and how your day might be going. Writing to you as a fellow struggler as a wife, mom, woman of God, woman longing to make a difference in the world we live in.
While I know that we have a lot in common- I know that as a blogger, my conversation is very one sided. I share with you what is going on in my life, ask you some questions about what is going on in yours and we’re often done talking!
But I know that you have much to say. I also know that my blogs and my coaching would benefit greatly from hearing you.
So… I have a request.
Would you be willing to fill out a simple survey- to let me know more about the topics and discussions you would most like to have with someone you trust. Your answers would be strictly confidential, but would help me significantly as I work to provide a service that would most help you- and other women like you.
Thank you so much! Your contribution is making a difference in the life of another woman who is too insecure to have that conversation.
In appreciation for your authentic and honest responses, I would like to send you a Resource of Questions you can use to build deeper relationships with those you care about. Sometimes a prompt helps get the conversation going in a direction that encourages authentic sharing. These have been a help to me.
Hey! Pay Attention!
Have you noticed lately how challenging these days are?
You know the ones. You are so very ready for Spring to get here.
You get a glimpse of it, a hint of warmth and then…

And then it snows again!
Cold returns – not just a little
With it comes the wind
And rain – not a beautiful spring rain but the cold, ice rain yet of winter. It is snowing hard enough that it blinds you from seeing what’s ahead. Gray days stifle & drain the hope from your day.
These are the days we must pay attention.
See, these are days we don’t realize how unsettled we feel. We just know we don’t like it any more. We don’t notice our deep sighs and continual complaining. We don’t understand how we are compounding the ache that those around us might be feeling.
These are the days when it feels like it’s always winter, never Easter.
Pay attention friends!
This is the time for you and for me to be intentional:
to remember God is doing a different kind of miracle.
to appreciate the work Christ did out of love -out of obedience.
To embrace the moments of grieving, of burying the dead places of our heart.
to anticipate the resurrection.
Easter is coming!
The resurrection in nature will reveal itself to us in time.
But we have the privilege of preparing for it.
And as we do, actually living out the power of the resurrection of Christ now. The resurrection of our very lives.
What can you do to embrace this moment?
What do you do to keep hope alive in you during days like this?
Share your comments below.
You never know when something you say would be an encouragement to someone who is really struggling.