Tag Archives: upcoming events

Let Me Tell You About Tribewriters!

When I finally got serious about writing “Lovely Traces of Hope”, I realized pretty quickly I was in way over my head.  I needed help to give structure to my material.  Tribewriters was the answer for me.

Are you a writer?  Do you sense there might be something you need to say? Then Tribewriters is for you!

Check out Tribewriter’s Conference 2017?

We just wrapped up another Tribe Conference and had a blast! Tickets for next year are now on sale at tribeconference.com. It won't be the same without you.

Posted by Jeff Goins, Writer on Monday, October 2, 2017

You might also want to check out Jeff’s blog post about the conference…

The Counterintuitive Way to Create Something that Changes Lives: 4 Lessons from Tribe Conference

This post includes links to the summary post’s of quite a few of the Tribewriter’s who attended #tribeconf 2017. It also includes mine- but you can find the link here.

Wanna come with me next year? Get your ticket to the next TribeWriter Conference now!  If they are out, because they are selling out quickly,  they will be making more available soon.

Join me!

More Story to Share 3

Story to Share 2:The Story Began…

In last week’s blog post (posted above), I started to tell you the story about a woman, a champion, in my life by the name of Jenn.  We talked about our value in that post- yours and mine. The three questions Jenn asked me on our very first meeting were…

Do you know your value?

Do you offer value to those in your world?

Are you getting paid what you are worth?

(If you want to know what we said about that, check the link above to that blog post.)  

But I also said that when I hemmed and hawed with my answers to those questions, the next thing she said to me was,  

When you are done making excuses, you can get down to your business.” 

Yep! That was the bottom line!  I was making excuses about why I wasn’t being successful or seeing the kind of difference I wanted to see. 

Are you doing that- making excuses instead of doing the things you really want to do?  

Isn’t that true of most of us though?  We don’t know our value because we don’t realize who we are.   I thought I did.  I had spent a great deal of time and money going to workshops, reading and researching personalities and strengths seeking to understand, and to help others understand who they were made to be.

We don’t know our value because we don’t realize who we are. Click To Tweet

Yet here I was…
Continue reading More Story to Share 3

Believe Your Dream to Real

Have you ever had a dream of doing something significant?

Have you ever made a plan for doing that significant something, but it just lays on the pages of your notebook or in the files on your computer? 

Me too! I’ve had a lot of ideas that have never come to fruition.  I’ve had notebooks filled with plans and dreams that are still great ideas, but I haven’t yet followed through on them.

But not this time!

Continue reading Believe Your Dream to Real

WOMAN: the difference you make

Hi!  This is Kathy Burrus from Green Hope Coaching!

I, like many of you, have been pondering the images of the past weekend of the inauguration and the women’s marches.  Now I’m not here to use my platform to make a statement one way or the other.  There may be a time I do that, but this is not that time.

I’m here today because I was struck by one thing: WOMAN. Not one particular woman, but woman like you and me.

Click here for a complete transcript of this video.


EmPOWERful Series:
Five week phone sessions over lunch designed to help you accomplish the ONE THING that will make the greatest difference this month. Click here to register.


TRACING HOPE groups:  

Group sessions hosted virtually designed to help women look at their own story and glean from it the significant, defining moments that influence how they live and behave.

Embrace the wonderful story of you and live MAD-ly! (Make-A-Difference)

More details will be coming out soon.  Click this link to sign up to receive upcoming emails regarding these groups.  Whether you live nearby or far away, you can be part of this interactive session.

GREEN GRIEF GATHERING: Green Grief is designed to help us find the slivers of green – the Lovely Traces of Hope in our losses.  As we begin to see the hope in our story, many times we are able to take our next step toward the difference we want to make through it.

Again, click this link to get updates on this event- which for the time being will be local.  If you are interested in a virtual group- send me an email and we will find a way to make that happen.

Here’s to you making the difference you were meant to make.

Green Hope Coaching

How Do You Measure a Year?

I love pondering mornings.  I love to ponder. So I don’t demand anything of myself on these mornings;

  • I turn off the alarm,
  • lay in bed till I feel like getting up and if I don’t feel like it, then I just stay put,
  • put on my ‘comfy’ clothes,
  • make sure I eat a healthy breakfast (I want to be able to think clearly.),
  • choose my favorite ‘wordless’ music station on Pandora, otherwise I spend all my pondering time singing along.
  • grab a blanket tablet of paper and a good writing pen,
  • and I ponder.

It’s mornings like these that allow my body to catch up with my mind and heart and spirit.  They are usually running ahead and if I don’t intentionally give myself some time to reflect, I end up getting all tangled up a few days down the line.

This morning when I flipped on Pandora, before I could click on my ‘wordless’ stations, the song Seasons of Love, began to play.  The lyrics start like this:

Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Moments so dear
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure – measure a year in a life?

I’ve been fascinated with this song for a lot of years, but I thought it was especially poignant since my ‘ponderings’ for the morning had been largely focused on what I want to be true of this new year.

Wow!  There are only 525,600 minutes in a year?   Considering that one day holds 1440 minutes, that means we have already spent nearly 20,000 minutes of this new year!  I’m not usually into numbers, but this morning it caught my attention.

How do we measure a year?  

The song lyrics have some suggestions: Continue reading How Do You Measure a Year?

FIVE Goals for 2016

5 years
Five years ago, I sat down with pencil and paper and began to map out a strategy for beginning a new business and opening a coaching practice.

Five years ago, I thought I knew what wanted for my business.  I thought I knew what I would be good at and what I needed to do to make that happen.  I had a lot to learn!

But this year, I have more clarity about what is important to me, and what steps I need to take to get there. This is not my entire goal list, but here is a glimpse into some of the goals I have set for the new year.

FIVE goals I have for 2016:

Continue reading FIVE Goals for 2016

Being YOU…bravely!

I stole that title from a MOPS group I spoke at in December.  It’s their theme for the year.  More and more, I’m finding it to be mine.

Ever since I started my business as a life coach, I have been on a journey of finding confidence in my new business.  I’ve done this professionally for 4 years now, and though I’ve gained a great deal of confidence in what I can offer a client, it doesn’t take much to cause me to question myself again.  Especially this past couple of weeks as I have met 4 or 5 life coaches in our area.

Yep!  There I went again!  “O who do I think I am to be able to compete or win the comparison with those amazing coaches!”

But we don’t just begin to doubt then.

We become weak kneed anytime we lose sight of our own beauty and begin to compare our weaknesses to the strengths of another. Click To Tweet

Continue reading Being YOU…bravely!

Tell us About Green Hope Coaching…

I recently had an interview regarding my business and the events for married couples called “CELEBRATE the DANCE”.  Thought I’d share it with you so you can understand why this invitation is so important.


Kathy: I am a life and marriage coach that works primarily with women in some transition of life.  In the change that occurs with  their next step, I most often hear from them “I want to do something that matters.  I want to make a difference in my world.”  I help them identify what their core values are and what ‘difference’ is most important to them.  Then we determine how to go about it.

Often in that process is the influence/ or roadblocks they have in their marriage.  These women who want to make a difference usually desire to have a stronger marriage- even if their marriage is good.  It is my heart’s cry to see couples thriving together- not settling or complacent with things as is too often the case.

Green Hope Coaching exists to create safe and stimulating environments that allow women and their husbands to intentionally design hope for their life and their marriage.

WHY this is so important to you, Kathy? 

Kathy: That comes out of my own story.  Rennie & I have been married 35 years.  We KNOW the challenge couples face as we navigate the  choices and decisions within a marriage.  We’ve had times in our lives that we think we are going the same place, have the same vision.  Suddenly we end up in two different places and wonder how that happened. What we forget is that our expectation, preferences and assumptions often cause us to ‘think’ we’ve communicated clearly about where we are headed, but miss the mark by, what could be tiny differences of thought. 

Along with that are some seasons of life where one partner or the other is really struggling. For instance, after our daughter died, everything seemed too hard.  I wanted to care for my husband and family, but sometimes grief is paralyzing.  It was in that moment that Rennie stepped up in a new way for me.  He reached out for me and held on to me when I couldn’t hold on to him.  I hate to think where we might be if he had not. 

WHAT are some ways you speak to women/ couples and the issues they face?

Continue reading Tell us About Green Hope Coaching…

Ready to launch your dream?

Have you ever made a decision that you knew was good, but you feared at the same time?

One year ago, I did!  I made a choice to enter the Bluffton Center for Entreprenuer’s Ropp Tripplet Business Plan CompetitionYou can read my story here!

My friend, Beth Boehr, of Beyond Budgeting and B&B Investments had entered her business a couple of years earlier and had encouraged me to work through the process.  I knew she had worked so hard, but was so excited about it. So it did!

It was a decision that brought Continue reading Ready to launch your dream?

FAQ: I’m too OLD! NAKED TRUTH isn’t for me, right?

FAQ: The Naked Truth
I’ve got questions

Really?  That’s the reason you are giving?

You are too old?

Now if you said,
“It’s too hard!
I don’t want to try!” or “I’ve given up!”
– I would understand those answers. I  have been there and done that. There are times when that is the most honest answer we can give.  I would be sad for you and try to encourage you!

But no matter what your age, as long as you have breath, God wants to have an intimate relationship with you, and He wants for you Continue reading FAQ: I’m too OLD! NAKED TRUTH isn’t for me, right?